Our team has deep expertise in Valuations of Medical and Fitness Centres and have prepared expert evidence for Court, Rental Valuations and Determinations.
Executive Training in Lease Negotiations
Our Projects
Inner West Vetinary Hospital – Market Rental Assessment
Bankstown - Capital Valuation of Specialist Disability Accommodation Apartments
Liverpool – Capital Valuation of a Medical Centre and Pharmacy
Capital and Rental Valuations
Capital and Rental Valuations for Medical Centres in Liverpool and Bankstown
Rental Valuation for a Veterinary Hospital in Gladesville
Rental Valuation of a Medical Centre in Coolangatta
Fitness First Deakin
Market rental assessment for a gym in the ACT.
Hanna Medical Centres
Capital valuation for two medical centres in Western Sydney.
Fitness First King Street
Market rental valuation for a Sydney CBD gym.
Research DWS areas and find potential new sites Australia wide for a company looking to expand their medical centre portfolio.
Expert Evidence
Expert Evidence for the Resumption of a Medical Facility on behalf of Department of Health
Research DWS areas and find potential new sites Australia wide for a company looking to expand their medical centre portfolio.